Monday, July 23, 2012

No Worries

I had an appointment near our family cemetery so I decided to stop by Beth's grave.  I hadn't been there since the interment last month and I was surprised to find her headstone in place. Surprised and devastated.  I sat there sobbing and pounding the ground screaming NO! NO! NO! even though I knew it was really yes; yes...yes.  I finally calmed down enough to look at the stone again and a peace came over me when I read the words at the very bottom.  Beth's favorite movie was The Lion King and there were the words I needed to see: HAKUNA MATATA.  If you've never seen the movie or heard the song, Hakuna Matata is a Swahili phrase that means no worries.  No worries, can you even imagine?  I miss her terribly.  I get nauseous when it hits me that I'll never again see her on this earth.  I hate that she won't physically be part of future weddings and family events.  But no worries, eternal peace, and the light and love of a power greater than us?  I realized my tears were not for Beth but for me.  She is at peace, I know this with all my heart.  We'll be together again one day, but until then, Hakuna Matata, sweetie. 


  1. what a beautiful stone and she also flies
    with the angels -


  2. Well said Laure. Beth is watching over her family. I firmly believe that our loved ones are watching over us. Remind me to tell you of what happened to me shortly after my mother passed away.


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