Monday, August 22, 2011


I am SO over summer.  I'm definitely a cool weather kinda girl, always have been.  My earliest memory of hating the heat was age 4.  It was summer and my mother was pregnant and probably in need of some down time, so she told me to play in the back yard. I was hot and miserable and since she firmly told me to STAY OUTSIDE, I stripped naked except for my double knotted PF Flyers that I couldn't get untied, and rode my red tricycle to my grandparent's house (three blocks away) naked and free and COOL. My grandpa came to the door and while I don't speak Italian I do have a universal understanding of anger.  Luckily the anger wasn't directed at me.  He scooped me up in a scratchy wool blanket (excuse me, I'm HOT) and carried me back home while dragging my trike behind him.  Oh my, I remember Grandpa's face being SO red as he "talked" to my Mom, his daughter-in-law.  My mother didn't speak Italian either, but she seemed to understand the general theme of the conversation. You can see that my dislike for heat goes way far back.

Anyway, in an effort to trick my mind into thinking it's beautiful fall weather, I've been working madly on halloween art for my Etsy shop.  I love halloween and I love creating halloween art.  Here's a sneak peek of a few pieces that will land on Etsy soon.  Stay cool and imagine falling leaves and crisp breezes and apple cider.  I'm gonna go see if my bike tires have air.



  1. love the story - love that you are also a very
    free spirit - you go girl - see ya - I'll call
    ya tomorrow

  2. Hi beautiful lady - did get a chance to catch up and read your blog - do so love your stories - and now having seen in person your room - your house is so you - what a super place and perfect
    thanks for sharing - see ya tonight

  3. WOW - can't believe you won the Halloween goodies from Red Lead - Congrats you lucky lady!

  4. Brenda...what? I haven't heard anything and I can't find anything. Do you have some secret information and if so, please share!

  5. OMG - I just found it. I read the Red Lead email quickly and missed it the first time. I'm in full squeal mode over here! Thanks for the comment, Brenda. Talk about improving your mood in about 35 seconds!


Thanks for visiting Chaos and Art. I appreciate your comments and hope you stop by again soon. Until then, create a little havoc of your own!